Terrorism Around the World

  The activities of global terrorism has always passed by the camera lenses here and there, but often times it's no more than a number and a random place on the strip of a news ticker. By creating this interactive dashboard, we want to allow users to properly visualize the atrocities of global terrorism on where and when things are happening. The visualization is done through clusters of events where the user is able to see the frequency of terrorist activities. Upon zooming in, the clickable markers are displayed, providing more detailed information of the incident.

About the Data Source

  This project is an interactive map built upon the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) to inform and educate the public regarding global terrorist activities around the world. GTD is an open source project constructed by University of Maryland and National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) -- sponsored by the federal government of the United States. The data from GTD consists 200,000 entries from 1970-2019, which we filtered out ambiguous entries and attacks with no damage done, roughly 95,000 total data entries. Zooming into the map, the user can see the more relevant information of each entry extracted from the database, where the user can filter by time period (spans of 1 decade starting from 1970), number of deaths, number of injuries, and property damage (split between minor and major is 1 million USD).

About Us

Harrison Liao

Senior majoring in Geography: Data Science & Sociology

Wesley Nguyen

Junior majoring in Geography: Data Science

Keith Ellingwood III

Senior majoring in Geography: Data Science & Informatics

Joohoon Cha

Senior majoring in Geography: Data Science

Steven Chen

Senior majoring in Geography: Data Science

9/11 terrorist attack

How to use:

At larger zooms, the incident points will cluster according to the legend. To view individual incidents, zoom into an area you wish to inspect. Once you are zoomed in enough, individual events will show as interactable points, and the legend will become a filter you can use to view the points.

NOTE: The filters do not work with clusters, only the individual points.